CyberArk - Printer Installation and Removal Windows OS

  1. Locate the CyberArk EMP Control Panel icon on your desktop and open it.

2. In the CyberArk EMP Control Panel window double click on Add Printer icon.

3. A pop-up will appear named “Launch with elevated privileges”, and click OK.

4. From the Choose a device or printer to add to this PC, select “The printer that I want isn’t listed.”


5. In the next screen Find a printer by other options, select “Add a printer using an IP address or hostname”, and click Next.

6. In the next screen “Type a printer hostname or IP address”, select for Device Type: TCP/IP Device, and in Hostname or IP address field enter the printer’s hostname or IP address and click Next.

7. If a “Which version of the driver you want to use?” message appears, select “Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended), and click Next.

8. In the Type a printer name window, enter the name you want to use or leave it like that and press Next.

9. After printer is installed, select Do not share this printer, and click Next.

10. In the last window you will be able to print a test page, and press Finish.




CyberArk – Printer Removal on Windows

  1. Locate the CyberArk EMP Control Panel icon on your desktop and open it.

2. In the CyberArk EMP Control Panel window double click on Remove Printer icon.

3. A popup will appear named “Launch with elevated privileges”, and click OK.


4. Remove Printer popup will appear, please select the Printer you want to remove and click on Remove.



Article ID: 156292
Tue 1/9/24 3:54 PM
Fri 4/26/24 1:58 PM