This document will provide the different formats for uploading an exam into the Respondus Test Generator.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
- 1.When Creating an Exam/Quiz from scratch, it is important to note that the accepted file types are as follows:
- Notepad: Plain Text (.txt)
- Notepad: Rich Text (.rtf)
- Microsoft Word: document (.doc & .docx)
Question Enumeration
Required Elements
or 1.
Questions must begin with numbers, followed by a parenthesis “)” or period “.”
A space should be between the question number and the wording.
or a.
Answers must begin with A-T, followed by a parenthesis “)” or period “.” Answers can be in lowercase or caps.
A space should be between the answer number and the wording.
Answer Choice Enumeration and Correct Answer Identification
Required Elements
The correct answers for multiple choice, true & false, and multiple answer questions are indicated by an asterisk “*” before the letter.
OR you can place the correct answers at the end of the file. Must begin with “Answers:”
Formatting Questions Types
Note: You also have to format the questions in the file using its code.
These supported codes are written as “Type: ” on top of the title/question. See the table below for the supported codes.
MC |
Multiple Choice |
TF |
True or False |
MR |
Multiple Response (Multiple Answer) |
FB |
Fin in the Blank |
Multiple Fill in the Blank |
ES |
Essay |
MT |
Matching |
Ordering |
Note: Make sure the types are in capital letters
Type: TF
1) Sample true and false question.
*A) True - this option is indicated as the correct response.
B) False
Type: TF
1. Sample true and false question.
a. True
b. False
Type: MC
2. Sample multiple choice question.
a. Blue
b. Red
c. Orange
d. White
Type: MA
3. Sample multiple answers question.
a. Green
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Orange
1. a
2. c
3. a, c, d
Troubleshooting Tips:
- •Make sure there are no spaces between the number and the question.
- •Make sure the test has been saved under the correct document type.
Additional Resources: