DawnSign for Instructors


DawnSignDigital is now available to use with Brightspace Learning Management. DawnSignDigital is an instructional tool offering a wide range of materials for teaching American Sign Language (ASL), Deaf culture, and interpreting. It enables instructors to integrate DawnSignPress content directly into a Brightspace course, allowing them to create assignments, share resources, and enhance the ASL learning experience within the LMS platform.

Simplify access to DawnSign resources in your Brightspace course! This step-by-step guide helps instructors integrate DawnSign into their courses, making it easy for students to access ASL and Deaf culture materials. Follow these simple instructions to enhance your course content in just a few clicks!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. 1. Log into Brightspace.
  2. 2. Go to content and select/create a Unit.
  3. 3. Select “Add Existing”. ​​​​
  4. In brightspace, go to content and in an existing unit/or new unit, select "Add Existing" (blue button)
  5. 4. Select “More.” ​​​​​
  6. Select "More"
  7. 5. Select “DawnSignDigital” under the Third-Party section.
  8. Select "DawnSignDigital" under the Third-Party Selection
  9. 6. Choose the lesson you want to use and click the “Select” button.
  10. Choose a lesson, expand the box, and click "Select"
  11. 7. Now go into the DawnSign assignment and click the assignment name. 
  12. Go to the unit folder and select theDawnSign Assignment page
  13. 8. You will be prompted to enter your Access Code and click Submit.
  14. Please enter your Signing Naturally 1-6 Access Code Here
  15. 9. You can edit the assignment by clicking the “3 dots” in the top right followed by “Edit”.
  16. Edit Assignment by the three dots in the corner.
  17. 10. You can change availabilities, dates, conditions, and grade items to your personal preference. Once you have updated the assignment option, select Save and Close.

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