Respondus 4.0 Test Generator for Brightspace



The Respondus 4.0 Test Generator is often used to create exams and quizzes for instructors in their courses. In this article, we will learn about creating and managing these exams that can be published directly to the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS). These exams/quizzes can be created offline using a Notepad or MS Word.

System Requirements 

Operating System: Windows 11 
Memory: 32MB RAM (min) 

Hard Disk Space: 10MB (min) 

Monitor: 1024x768 or 1280x720 

** You may download and install software from the Software Center**

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. 1. Once the software is installed, it will prompt you to the License Information. This can be found on the institution’s home page. 
  2. License Information on the Brightspace homepage.
  3. 2. Once you set up the License Information, it will ask for the Personality. If you have installed Respondus 4.0 Test Generator before with other LMS, you can toggle this to D2L Brightspace.
  4. In "Current Personality", select "D2L Brightspace"

    Open or Create 

    You can create an exam from the software itself by clicking on Create and filling in the information: 

    Select Create and fill in the information on the pop up window.
  5. Once you fill in the blanks and select OK, you will be navigated to the Edit tab. 
  6. The steps below to create questions.
    On the left-hand side, you will see multiple options for selecting the type of question you wish to start with. (Multiple Choice; True or False; Long Answer; Matching; Short Answer; Multi-Select; Ordering; Fill in the Blanks; Arithmetic) 
  7. 1. In the photo showcasing “Multiple Choice” you are given the option to title your question. Here you can leave blank or give a short, worded summary of the contents of the question. 
  8. 2. The “Question Wording” is where you put the actual question for students to see. 
  9. 3. In “Answer” you fill in the options for students to select from
  10. 4. “Select Correct Answer” from the options you have typed out by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the correct letter. 
  11. 5.“Point Value” allows you to add the desired points you want for the question. 
  12. 6. When finished with a question please click the “Add to End of List” option. This will be inserted into the Question List. “Insert Into List” to have the next questions placed on top. 
  13. **If you ever find yourself needing to exit and come back, you can always select the Open option at the Start Page** 
  14. Open an existing exam file

    Formatting The Exams/Quizzes 

    If you do not wish to use the app, you can always start from scratch. 

  • When Creating an Exam/Quiz from scratch, it is important to note that the accepted file types are as follows: 

    • Notepad: Plain Text (.txt) 

    • Notepad: Rich Text (.rtf) 

    • Microsoft Word: document (.doc & .docx) 

Required Elements 


  1. or 1. 

Questions must begin with numbers, followed by a parenthesis “)” or period “.” 

A space should be between the question number and the wording. 

  1. or a. 

Answers must begin with A-T, followed by a parenthesis “)” or period “.” Answers can be in lowercase or caps. 

A space should be between the answer number and the wording. 

Required Elements 



Answers for multiple choice, True & False, and multiple answer is indicated by an asterisk “*”. 


OR you can place the correct answers at the end of the file. Must begin with “Answers:” 


Formatting Questions & Answers 

**You also have to format the content of the file by its code.** 

These supported codes are written as “Type: ” on top of the title/question. See the table below for the supported codes. 




Multiple Choice 


True or False 


Multiple Response (Multiple Answer) 


Fill in the Blank 





Type: TF 

Title: True or False Question 
1) This statement is true, therefore, it must be correct. 

*A) True 

B) False 

The answer will appear as “A)” 


Type: TF 
1. This statement is true, so it is incorrect. 

a. True 

b. False 


1. F


When you have finished your exam file, save it according to the format. You will go into the Respondus 4.0 Test Generator Application and Click Import Questions. 

Follow steps below to i,port .txt file or word documents

  1. 1.In the photo showcasing “Multiple Choice” you are given the option to Type of file: click the drop-down menu to select the type of format that you have used Plain text = .txt 
    • File Name: click the browse button to select the .txt file you created from your computer’s library. 
  2. 2. Choose where to add the new question: We recommend selecting “create a new document named: ” and typing the title of the file you selected from importing
  3. 3.Preview: we highly encourage you to preview the questions to check if the formatting is correct or to check for any errors you may have missed. 
  4. 4.Finish: after checking the preview, and seeing that there are no errors, select Finish to be navigated to the next screen. 
    1. The next screen showcases the editing menu. If you wish to edit the questions within the Respondus 4.0 Test Generator, simply click on the drop-down menu next to the ‘Title’ and select “Edit”.1
    2.   As you can see from the reference image below, when “Edit” was selected, it opened in its labeled formatted question and already filled in the blanks.
  5. Edit existing questions.
  6. Feel free to edit or add more questions to the Exam. Also, do not forget to save any changes made. 

  7. Exporting 
  8. Exporting in Respondus is labeled under the tab “Preview and Publish” 
  9. Preview 


    Before publishing your Respondus file to the server, it is recommended that you “preview” the file.  

    If you want to make changes to the Respondus File, click the “modify item” button from within the preview window. (You will be prompted back to the preview window once changes are made.) 

    Under the “Publish” option, this is where you are going to export your exam to the Brightspace server. 

    We use the “Publish Wizard” to set up the course you want the exam to be stored into. 

  10. Publish Wizard 
  12. 1. Preview & Publish: Here, we have the option to publish to a single course or to multiple courses (Batch Publish). We recommend publishing a single course at a time to avoid any errors. 
  13. "Preview & Publish" once changes are made
  14. 2.Choose an Existing Server or “add new server”: In this step, if you do not have a server added, we will create one using the – add new server – option.
    • Then, select the “Yes” option and click next.
  15. -add new server- & "Yes, check for preconfigured server settings"
    • In the next window, fill in the name of your Course as it is on Brightspace, and enter your Brightspace credentials; after filling in your credentials, select “Run connection test” and click Next. 
  17. After the process is completed, you will be navigated to another window; if not, select the server you added and click “Next”. 
  19. 1.Choose the Course to publish to
  20. 2.“Create” a new or “Save” the name on file and select “Quiz” for the Type: 
    • For duplicated assessments, you have the options that we recommend for your preference.
  21. Additional options are not mandatory but are available. 
  22. 3.Select the Additional Options for Assesment Type
  23. 4.Click Next. 
  24. Publish Wizard settings
  25. 5.Select Finish to upload to the server. 

  26. Export to Upload Manually 

  27. 1.On the Publish Wizard, select the Export option to be navigated to the next window: 

  28. Export QTI XML for manual upload to Brightspace

  29. 2.Click “Save As” and save to a folder you will remember by. 

  30. 3.Review the next topic for the instructions on uploading. 

  31. 4.Finish. 

  32. Accessing your Exam/Quiz through Brightspace 


  34. 1.In your Brightspace course of your choice, navigate to the Course Admin on top of the screen and select Quizzes. 

  35. 2.The following Quiz should be seen within the course. 

  36. Manage quizzes in Brightspace

  37. Importing the zipped file saved from the Respondus Test Generator 

  38. 1.If you exported the file through the Test generator. Navigate to the Course Admin and Click Import/Export/Copy Components. 

  39. 2.Select Import Components and “from a course package”. 

  40. 3.Upload the zipped file. 

  41. Select file from export

  42. 4.Click Import All Components and wait a moment for the process to finish before navigating back to your Quizzes in the Course Admin tab and verifying that the quiz was imported successfully. 

Additional Resources:

FAQ Section:

  • Can I require Lockdown Browser on these Exams?
    • Yes, you can! In the Quizzes menu, click “Lockdown Browser”, choose the quiz you want to apply the LockDown in, click the drop-down arrow – select settings – and “Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam”.
    • See: Applying Respondus LockDown Browser to a quiz 



Article ID: 163157
Fri 12/6/24 2:59 PM
Fri 2/7/25 11:50 AM