Anthology Ally, formerly known as Blackboard Ally, is an accessibility tool that can be used within your course to provide alternate formats of assignments to learners. Learners will be able to select their desired document within the course and click “alternate formats” on the file page for different formats available to them for that file.
Additionally, Ally bases the alternate format on the original document, ensuring all learners can access and use the materials uploaded within your course. Along with offering alternate formats for learners, Ally also generates accessibility reports for instructors to view.
Ally works by scanning all files uploaded in your course and giving them a score on a scale of 0%-100%, with 0% being least accessible and 100% being most accessible. This helps instructors make necessary edits to files uploaded in the course to make them more accessible to learners.
Ally for Students
Alternative Formats: Ally automatically generates alternative formats for course content, such as audio files, ePub, and HTML, making it easier for students to access materials in the format that best suits their needs.
Enhanced Accessibility: It helps ensure digital content is accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. This includes providing screen reader-friendly formats and other tools to support diverse learning needs.
Improved Engagement: By offering content in various formats, Ally can increase student engagement and comprehension, helping students better understand and retain information.
Ally for Faculty
Accessibility Feedback and Guidance: Ally provides feedback to instructors on the accessibility of their course materials, helping them to make improvements that benefit all students.
Alternative Formats: Ally automatically generates alternative formats for course content, such as audio files, ePub, and HTML, making it easier for instructors to access materials in the format that best suits their needs.
Data-Driven Insights: It offers comprehensive reporting on accessibility issues, allowing institutions to track progress and make data-driven decisions to enhance the learning experience.
Additional Resources:
For additional support, please contact our COLTT Help Desk at 956-665-5327 or 956-882-6792.