How To Create a GoReact Assignment



Easily integrate GoReact assignments into your Brightspace course! This step-by-step guide helps instructors create interactive video-based assignments, enabling seamless feedback and collaboration.

Follow these simple instructions to enhance student engagement and streamline your teaching process!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. 1. Log into Brightspace. 
  2. 2. Go to the content area where you want to add the tool link.
  3. 3. Select “Add Existing”.
  4. Click on "Add Existing"
  5. 4. Click “External Tool Activity”.
  6. Select "External Tool Activity"
  7. 5. Go to the bottom and select “Create New LTI Link”.
  8. Click "Create New LTI Link"
  9. 6. Create the title for the assignment and enter the GoReact LTI URL. Once entered, click “Create and Insert”.
  10. Select "Create and Insert"
  11. 7. When you have finished setting up the assignment, click the three buttons and select “edit”. 
  12. Click to edit the assignment by the three dot.
  13. 8. Select the “open in a new tab” and “Save and Close”.
  14. In display options, click "Open in a new tab (recommended" and click "Save and Close"
  15. 9. Once you are done, click the assignment and select the desired settings for the assignment on GoReact.

Additional Resources:

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Article ID: 163901
Fri 1/24/25 4:29 PM
Mon 1/27/25 9:19 AM