Enhance your course by integrating Macmillan content into Brightspace. Follow these simple steps to streamline your course setup and improve engagement!
This step-by-step guide helps instructors add Macmillan learning materials, assignments, and resources directly into their course, ensuring seamless student access.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
- 1. Click on the Content tab of your D2L course.
- 2. Open the module where you want to add Macmillan content.
- 3. Click the button to Add Existing Activities.

- 4. Click the More button for more options.

- 5. Select Macmillan LTI 1.3 Content.

- 6. This will open the content selection window. Click on the orange arrow to expand the Assignments folder.
Note: Only items assigned with a due date and point value can be added to D2L using LTI 1.3 integration.

- 7.Check the boxes for any assignments you'd like to add to your course.
- 8. After selecting the assignment to add, scroll to the bottom-right corner of the window and click the green Deploy Selected Content button.

- 9. The content you selected will appear as a link in your D2L course module, and it will also appear in the D2L gradebook if it is assigned for points.

NOTE: Gradebook categories do not automatically transfer to the LMS. Adding assignments to categories will need to done in the LMS course.
Troubleshooting Tips:
- • In case you do not see the content clicking the LTI link, it is possible you may need to login in or "Connect with Achieve".

Additional Resources:
FAQ Section:
- • How do students register?