What is Turnitin?


What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is a cloud-based solution with capabilities in Similarity checking and online grading using their Similarity Report and Online Grading tools. Turnitin saves instructors time and facilitates personalized feedback for learners.

Similarity Report lets you monitor Assignment submissions and identify potential cases of plagiarism by automatically comparing submissions to an online database of original content. You can then view Similarity Reports which highlight key areas, show a breakdown of matching sources, and provide direct links to the matching content.

You can also take advantage of the integrated Online Grading which lets you add comments, inline text, and highlight sections in file submissions, directly from the Assignments tool. Learners can view Online Grading feedback in User Progress under Assignments, in Grades, in Assignments, in User Progress under Grades, and in Content.

Similarity Report and Online Grading features are enabled through integration with Turnitin from iParadigms, LLC.

Key Functions:

  • Plagiarism Detection: Turnitin's primary function is to check student submissions for potential plagiarism. It compares student work against a massive database of online content, academic publications, and previously submitted papers. This helps faculty identify instances where students may have copied material without proper attribution.
  • Originality Reports: Turnitin generates an Originality Report for each submitted assignment. This report highlights sections of the student's paper that match other sources, providing a similarity score and links to the matching content. Faculty can use this report to evaluate the originality of student work and identify areas that may require further attention.   
  • Feedback and Grading Tools: Turnitin offers tools that allow faculty to provide feedback and grade student assignments directly within the platform. This can streamline the grading process and make it easier to provide targeted feedback to students.
  • Promoting Academic Integrity: Beyond just detecting plagiarism, Turnitin can be used as a tool to educate students about academic integrity.By discussing the Originality Report with students and providing feedback on proper citation practices, faculty can help students develop a better understanding of academic honesty.

Additional Resources:


For additional support, please contact our COLTT Help Desk at 956-665-5327 or 956-882-6792.



Article ID: 163918
Mon 2/10/25 3:25 PM
Fri 2/28/25 12:26 PM