Map a Network Drive to Access a Web Space


Use a Network Drive to transfer webpages, images, and documents to your web space. Follow the instructions below to map the network drive to your computer or laptop.

Windows PC

  1. Click Start Menu.
  2. Click Computer.
  3. From the Tool Bar menu, click Map Network Drive.
  4. Select an available Drive.
  5. Enter a Folder address or click Browse to search for a folder.
    • Faculty Web Space: \\\yourUTRGVusername$
      • EXAMPLE: \\\john.doe$
    • Student Web Space: \\\yourUTRGVusername
      • EXAMPLE: \\\john.doe$
  6. Select Reconnect at logon.
  7. Select Connect using different credentials
    • Note: If prompted for credentials, enter your full UTRGV email (
  8. Click Finish.

You can now begin creating your web space.

If you do not have experience in creating a website, you can use Word or Publisher to get started. 


  1. Open your Finder.
  2. Click CMD to open the Connect to Server window.
  3. Enter the following address into the Server Address field.
    • Faculty: smb://$
      • EXAMPLE: smb://$
    • Students:  smb://$
      • EXAMPLE: smb://$
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Select Registered User under Connect as.
  6. Enter your name and password.
    • Note: Enter the 6-digit ID you received when you activated your e-mail. If you do not know your ID, contact IT Support.
      • 956-665-2020 (Edinburg)
      • 956-882-2020(Brownsville)
  7. Click Connect.

The mapped folder should appear in the Shared section of the Finder.



Article ID: 76531
Mon 4/22/19 10:03 AM
Wed 3/29/23 12:15 PM