Email Address Format and Change Policy

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Email Address Format and Change Policy

The UTRGV domain account (email address) will be created in the format of the first and last name of the user to match the records on file with the Office of Human Resources for employees and the Registrar’s Office for students. This is done to allow for automated account provisioning.

Email Address Format - Employees

  • (middle initial is added to avoid duplicates)
  • (digits are added to avoid duplicates)

PLEASE NOTE: Employees with a 0# in their email address cannot request a name change to remove the 0#.

Email Address Format - Students

  • (digits are added to avoid duplicates)
  • (middle initial and digits are added to avoid duplicates)

Changes to Email Address and Moniker Display

The first name and middle initial of a user's UTRGV email address and the email moniker display can be changed to a name that the user is more commonly known by, (e.g., initials, a middle name, or "Bill" instead of William), to improve search results in Outlook, Skype for Business, etc. To request a change, submit a Service Request.

The last name of a user's UTRGV email address or email moniker display must be the last name on file at the Office of Human Resources (HR) for employees and at the Registrar's Office for students. For legal name changes, (due to marriage, divorce, or correction to a recorded entry), submit appropriate documentation to HR or the Registrar’s Office. Once the record is updated, submit a Service Request to have the UTRGV email account/address changed.

If a user is known professionally by a different last name, (such as maiden name or hyphenated last name), an alias email address can be requested. Alias email addresses are subject to review and approval by the Chief Information Officer (CIO). If approved, the alias email address will be created. However, the underlying email account will remain as originally defined. Submit a Service Request to have the UTRGV email account/address changed to the alias email address once it is approved.


Article ID: 158163
Sun 3/31/24 10:18 AM
Mon 4/1/24 11:10 AM