Submit an Event to the UTRGV Calendar


UTRGV Calendar is a service provided for posting official University-related events ONLY. To have an event posted, you must be an active University employee or an officer of an official University group. Event submissions are subject to daily approval by UTRGV's News and Internal Communications Office.

Submissions will be REJECTED or REMOVED if the content is:

  • In violation of UTRGV or UT System policies or current laws.
  • Not an official University event under the responsibility of the bulletin creator.
  • Considered offensive or contains links to third-party websites with questionable content.
  • An expression of personal opinions or points of view.

PLEASE NOTE: Events will remain active up to the start date set for the event.

Submit an Event

  1. Go to the UTRGV Calendar home page.
  2. Click the orange Submit an Event button on the right side of the screen.
  3. Enter your UTRGV account credentials.
    • Your full UTRGV Username
    • Your UTRGV Password
  4. Click Login.
  5. Fill in the Add a Public Event form and include as many of the fields as possible.
  6. Click Add Event.


Check the Status of Submitted Event

  1. Go to the UTRGV Calendar home page.
  2. Click the Login button on the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Enter your UTRGV account credentials.
    • Your full UTRGV Username
    • Your UTRGV Password
  4. Click Login.
  5. Click ME in the toolbar under the calendar search button.
  6. Click Dashboard to view your ACTIVITY FEED.

Event Approval Process

UTRGV’s News and Internal Communications Office will edit and approve or reject your event. Submit your events at least a week in advance for review and editing. If you need events (or cancellations) to show up faster, contact us at and we will try to accommodate. If your event has been approved or rejected, you will receive a notice via email.

If your event has been approved:
You will receive a notice from our calendar app via email and your event will be removed from the “Pending” queue. You may submit edits to the event by finding the event in UTRGV Calendar and clicking “Request a change to this event.” These changes will be approved or denied through the normal review process.

If your event has been rejected:
You will receive a notice from calendar app via email and your event will be removed from the “Pending” queue. You may also receive a note from the calendar admins as to why your event was rejected. Once rejected, an event cannot be retrieved from the system.

For further assistance, please contact



Article ID: 76436
Fri 4/19/19 10:49 AM
Sun 6/9/24 5:55 PM

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The UTRGV Calendar is an interactive and mobile-friendly calendar that allows the UTRGV community (students, faculty, staff, and the public) to publish and browse university events.