Video Conference Request

What Is It?

Our Video Conference Support Team assists with setting up and scheduling Zoom, Teams, and ITV meetings for both small and large events.
Please provide at least 48 hours’ notice for video conferencing services.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Students, Faculty, Staff, Researchers

Steps to Request

48hrs' notice required. Requests made less than 48hrs in advance will be handled on a best-efforts basis.

  1. Select the blue Request Service button on this page.
  2. Title: A brief title describing the purpose of the request.
  3. Requestor’s Email: The email address of the person making the request.
  4. Contact Number: A phone number for communication.
  5. City and Location: Specify the city and venue where the conference will take place.
  6. Conference/Event/Webinar Name: Clearly state the event’s name.
  7. Requesting Department: Mention the department responsible for the request.
  8. Service Request Description:
  9. Remote Location Contact Information:
  10. Provide details for remote participants.
  11. Requested Date/Time: Specify the start and end times.
  12. IT Presence: Indicate if IT support is needed prior to the meeting.
  13. Presenting Site: Identify the location where the presentation will occur.
  14. Remote Site: Mention the remote site(s) participating.
  15. Preferred Location: If applicable, state any location preferences.
  16. Additional Equipment: Note any specific equipment requirements.

Service availability and how to get support

If additional assistance is required or for more information, please email

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Request Service


Service ID: 34962
Fri 4/5/19 4:24 PM
Thu 7/18/24 8:40 AM