Change Your UTRGV Password


If you know your current password, you may use the Change Password option.  If you do not know your existing password, use the Reset Password or Unlock Account option.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Change Password

image of Change my password option

  1. When prompted, log in with your current credentials.
  2. On the following screen, enter:
    • Old password
    • New password twice.

image of change password interface

Note the UTRGV password complexity requirements:

  • Do not include any name (yours or someone else's).   You may see "internal server error" if a name is included in your password.  If you have a failed attempt, try again with an incognito/private window using a completely different password.
  • You cannot use any of your previous passwords again.
  • Length must be at least 10 characters.
  • Password must meet 3 of the following:
    • Minimum 1 English uppercase
    • Minimum 1 English lowercase
    • Minimum 1 digit (0-9)
    • Minimum 1 special character
         Special characters that are allowed:
         ' ~ ! # $ ^ ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : ; > ? , . /

For example:  S+rOngP4sswOrd

  1. Select Submit

After a successful password change, you will be routed to your Microsoft Profile screen.




Article ID: 74325
Fri 3/22/19 10:50 AM
Wed 3/29/23 12:15 PM



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