Guest Accounts

What Is It?

Guest Accounts are available for short-term visitors to UTRGV campuses who aren’t active students, faculty, or staff. These accounts grant access to classroom computers, computer labs, and Eduroam (WiFi). Requests are processed 2 business days before the event. For additional services or extended visits, guests should request a Sponsored Account.
Important: The account requester must keep records of guest names and contact details per UT165 Section 5, Standards 2 and 4.

If logging into a UTRGV PC for a first time with a guest account a wired (Ethernet) connection must be established. 

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Staff, Faculty

Steps to Request

  1. Select the blue Request Service button on this page.
  2. Title: Provide a descriptive title for the request.
  3. Requestor’s Email: Enter the email address of the person making the request.
  4. Contact #: Specify a phone number where the requestor can be reached.
  5. Number of Guest Accounts: Indicate the total number of guest accounts needed.
  6. Services Guest Account Needs Access To: List the specific services (such as classroom computers, computer labs, or WiFi) required for the guest account.
  7. Full Details and Justification: Provide additional context or reasons for the request.

Service availability and how to get support

By default, Guest Accounts have a two-week limit. To extend access (up to 4 weeks), please submit an IT Service Request with the list of accounts that need access extended. 

If additional assistance is required, please contact the IT Service Desk at (956) 665-2020.

Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM.

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Service ID: 34958
Fri 4/5/19 4:17 PM
Tue 8/6/24 4:43 PM