Popular Services

Request access to a University business resource: PeopleSoft, Banner, File Shares, Departmental Emails, etc.

Request service such as software, network line, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, etc.

Obtain authorization for the use of software not listed as permissible at UTRGV. If you plan to purchase software, follow the Software Assessment process before using university funds.

Request a new departmental email

Event Guest Accounts are available for individuals visiting a UTRGV campus for less than two weeks and who are not active UTRGV students, faculty, or staff.
These accounts are temporary and are only active for the period specified by the person making the request.

Creation, Modification, or Renewal of privileged accounts, (i.e., terminal server access, database access, application server access, domain access, etc.).

Request software license support for a software title that is on the authorized inventory. https://my.utrgv.edu/group/myutrgv/software-inv...

Sanitize (remove/destroy files) computer hard drives before sending to surplus.

Requests to solve a business issue or create a project request, such as for software implementation, upgrades to existing applications and IT infrastructure, and new IT developments.

Support for video conferencing services including Zoom, Teams and ITV Meetings.

Use this form to report technical issues with the campus electronic access control system. If you need UTRGV IT services, please click on the “Information Technology” link on the menu bar at the top of this page.

Email group distribution list for targeted communication.

Athena Access and Service Requests including FlexScanMD, MaxRVU, and OpalRad PAC. Access to the electronic medical records (EMR) system, add or revise content, security, data migration, and user interface.

Gather information to complete the Security Exception form.

Use this form to request new or additional technical services specific to the Police Department. If you need UTRGV IT services, please click on the “Information Technology” link on the menu bar at the top of this page.

Guest Wireless Network Request

This form is used to request an exception to the standard computer provided by the Computer Refresh Program.

Image and video bulletin content on campus-wide TV monitors of upcoming events, student activities, and news.

Telephone settings and configuration changes.

Form to report an issue with EXISTING hardware, software, or resource.

Use this form to request new or additional services from the Division of Research. If you need UTRGV IT services, please click on the “Information Technology” link on the menu bar at the top of this page.

Information Technology (IT) computer labs provide access to a variety of software, applications, and computing resources that support education and research.

Provide quotes for new telephone purchases.